Bringing Liquid and Paste Packaging to a whole new level

Taisei Lamick’s integration of small-footprint High Speed Liquid and Paste VFFS, Superior Packaging Material, and Strong Manpower Development, bringing liquid and paste packaging to a whole new level.

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Taisei Lamick Asia was formed in October 2022 on a sole purpose - Integrated Liquid Packaging Solution.

Since the establishment of our parent company in 1966, Taisei Lamick has been dedicated and focused on optimisation of liquid and paste packaging. It is our goal to provide a one stop solution to our customers with High-Speed Liquid VFFS (DANGAN), cutting edge liquid packaging film, and exceptional manpower development.  

Our Solutions

Combined, Taisei Lamick machines , durable films and strong customer support create the highest-quality pouches at significantly higher and sustainable filling speeds.

Taisei Lamick High Speed Film


Manpower Development Programme


Exceptional Products and Productivity in a Small Footprint

Combined, customers are empowered to develop and produce at highest quality liquid / paste pouches at significantly high speed.

No Headspace

Quick Changeover

Simple User Interface

Seamless Operation

High Seal Strength

Extended Shelf Life

Commitment to the Environment

Consumptions evolved, so as packaging and its requirements. Taisei Lamick is committed to produce high quality packaging that supports customer’s pursuit towards environmentally sustainable goals.

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